Friday, August 17, 2012

Shit Just Happens

This is RPS Deepan, it is 4:46 AM. I was sleeping in the hall. My dad comes home at 4:00 AM and accidentally disturbs the power cable to my computer. Some other day he could have walked past it being undisturbed, but not today. The alert sound of the inverter wakes me up. Some other day i could have slept through it, but not today. So, i come online and write a post about it. I could think think that the post is meaningless, save it as a draft and forget about it. If i dont click the publish button the world will never know about this event that happened in my life. These are about today's events.

If the developer who developed the CM9 build of ICS for SGS+ had spent a little more time to add USB host controller driver to it, i would have started up with my project 2 days ago and the last 2days could have been completely different and this blog wouldn't exist. I can go on like this. Every single event that occurs is random. We are here today in this world looking at our tablet screens due to an infinite number of random events; a series of random events. 

My point is, there is no point, in living this random life unless there is structured pursuit of a goal. Sure we evolved from protozoa to human beings due to random series of events. But think about all the scientific inventions and breakthroughs. These things dint happen randomly. Scientists and Engineers spent infinite sleepless nights in pursuit of individual goals through an organized lifestyle, hardwork and dedication, and in that process they have served the Humanity. Nothing would have been possible if one guy dint spend endless days to think about locomotion and invent the wheel. 

I sometimes used to think that my life is not organized, that i dont have control over things i learn, practice and i leave a lot to chances. But I was wrong. When i look back, 3 years ago, i wanted this exact same life, where i'm good in scripting, hardware hacking, mobile development. May be the details are a little different but I am living a dream. I do have an automatic goal seeking mechanism which keeps my head in the game all the time. I just forget about it some times but deep down, i always knew.

" I think shit just happens..." --- Nicholas Cage, Knowing.

1 comment:

  1. Aaargh.. give me an insight about my life 3 years ago... my life consists of two parts one knowledge and another one control... 3 years ago I had almost complete control over my life with little knowledge.. and now I have more knowledge than ability to control...

    I got to say I envy you.. in all the ways one cud...
